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EDC Minutes 02-27-2013

MADDEN ROOM                                                  WEDNESDAY, February 27, 2013
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Susan Burnham, Louise Neary, Joseph Kennedy, Edwina Futtner, Mark Lillis, Alternate Gary Waterhouse, Wayne Kilburn

ABSENT: Linda Jeski, James Murray, Bill Jodice, Dwight Johnson, Alternate John Mitchell and Alternate Paul Burnham

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash

 1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

 2.    Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.

  3.    Public Participation: None.

  4.    Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Neary to approve the minutes of January 23, 2013 with the following corrections:
        Page 2, Item 7 second bullet should say “…offer of a ‘stepped’ plan…”
        Page 2, Item 7 third bullet should say “…a 63-20 corporation…”
and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
 5.    Old Business: None.

  6.    Committee Report:

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Commissioner Neary and Chairperson Burnham attended the last meeting on Thursday, February 21, 2013. A discussion took place regarding an effort to get more information on the website out to the public. Some of the suggested ideas were to schedule interviews with the South Windsor Patch and Journal Inquirer. The group also recognized that there is a need to work on sponsorships to support the website.

  7.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Sue Burnham, Chairperson: Chairperson Burnham was proud to announce that the Town Council approved a motion to name the Water Pollution Control Authority plant after Joseph Carino in honor of all his years of service. An application for the Eugene Policelli Service Award has been submitted to honor Joseph Carino. The award is coordinated by the South Windsor Board of Education.
Commissioner Neary reminded commissioners that Peter DeMallie attended the last meeting and spoke about the lack of transportation in CT. Mr. DeMallie concentrated on two main ideas, the lack of actual transportation in the state and the lack of transportation innovation throughout the state. Mr. DeMallie concluded with a request for support from the commission on these initiatives. Chairperson Burnham asked if the commission had any thoughts in this regard. Commissioner Neary commented that the part of the transportation plan that included areas east of the Connecticut River but has since been eliminated. Chairperson Burnham will talk to Mr. DeMallie to see how the commission can support the initiatives. ED Coordinator Fiveash commented that the State itself is very innovative and includes such technology as 3-D printing that creates working parts/machines from CAD plans or models and is operated in the State by OPM, Oxford Performance Materials. The technology is being used by OPM to create parts for medical use in the United States. Ms. Fiveash also stated that there are other companies in town that are very innovative. Ms. Fiveash stated that at the CT DOT commuter parking lot near Buckland Hills Mall the buses depart every seven minutes with a full passenger load on its way into Hartford. Commissioner Waterhouse commented that the transportation routes are very limited and leave a gap to those with para-transit needs. Bus stops or transportation access points need to be within ¾ of a mile in order for those with limited mobility to be able to take advantage of public transportation. Commissioner Kennedy informed the commissioners about FISH, Friends in Service Here, which is a service in which volunteers provide rides to doctor’s appointments, etc…
Chairperson Burnham shared a Journal Inquirer article about South Windsor’s Tech Warriors. The Tech Warriors are a robotics team consisting of South Windsor High School students and there are photos of Mike Lillis, Commissioner Lillis’ son.
Chairperson Burnham also shared a Journal Inquirer article reporting that the Town Council is no closer to a decision about an ice rink in town. There is a possibility of developing a non-profit 63-20 for government supported projects. Ms. Fiveash also read an article on the South Windsor Patch.

Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator: Ms. Fiveash stated that a meeting was recently held with a current town business on a $4 million dollar expansion. The meeting went well and the business owner has financing. The State is working on developing training and ancillary funding, if needed.
Ms. Fiveash had a meeting with another business interested in expanding by constructing an additional building. This expansion would provide two hundred fifty jobs and is relying on a large government contract which amounts to a multi-million dollar deal.
Other updates by Ms. Fiveash included that there is still no new information on the several pharmacies interested in locating in town and that there have now been a total of one hundred fifty-three business visits. Ms. Fiveash also commented that the town’s mill rate hasn’t been set yet.

 8.    New Business: Chairperson Burnham talked to Commissioner John Mitchell about the South Windsor Fire Department’s kick-off celebration for their 75th Anniversary. Commissioner Neary attended the event and it was very well attended. In September, a weekend celebration will be taking place and possibly the EDC could do something. Chairperson Burnham looked at budget for the commission and suggested that an open air tour bus could be sponsored to transport visitors around town and tour highlights. Chairperson Burnham will invite a member of the Fire Department to attend the next EDC meeting to discuss possibilities.

Chairperson Burnham received a draft of the POCD (Plan of Conservation and Development). A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 19th in Town Council chambers. The POCD is updated every ten years. The meeting starts at 7:30pm but Chairperson Burnham can’t attend so she encouraged other members to attend and give their input.

Commissioner Waterhouse asked why there is no development along the CT River for public access. It was stated that the area is within a flood plain and that most of the river front is privately owned. There is only one road that provides access to the River.
 9.    General Discussion: Chairperson Burnham announced that the next EDC meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 27th at 7:30p.m.

10.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Neary and seconded by Commissioner Lillis to adjourn at 8:14p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved as amended:  March 27, 2013